
Sunday, 10 September 2017

Whainga Ako: write your ideas and findings about what makes a Maori Leader - linking into your whanau.

Who is a Maori leader in
Your whanau that you look
Up to - my dad

What makes them an
Amazing Maori leader that
You admire? because he is
Good at speaking Maori.

How are they related to
You - He's my dad.

What knowledge and skills
Are they passing on to
You - not much.

My Maori leader I admire and  Look up to is barry.#.
I’m a Maori leader because
I’m good at Maori.

I’m a good Maori leader because I think i’m a Maori leader.

By Barry

Whainga ako: describe your whanau and their uniqueness.

The purpose of this activity was to describe how special our whanau are.

By Amber-Leigh

Whainga ako: Create a piece of Persuasive writing.

26th Hongongoi 2017
Whainga ako: Create a piece of Persuasive writing.

In my opinion everyone should stand up for your rights because you should not take the blame when you have done nothing off target.

Surely you would agree that standing up for your own right as a new Zealand citizen is a great idea because we have rights for our own life.

Firstly I feel standing up for yourself is a way of saying i did not do that because I would not liked to get blamed for something I didn't do.

Secondly I think I have actually got blamed for something that I have not done and taking the blame is not enjoyable so it is better to say something then to not say anything.

Thirdly only a fool would think that not standing up for your rights isn't a awesome idea because you should always stand up for your rights and say what is right.

I believe everyone should stand up for their rights because you know what is right and wrong and you don't want to get blamed for someone else's stupid crime.

By Jorgarose

Whainga Ako: construct a piece if persuasive text.

The purpose of this activity was to make a start on our speech.

Nga mihi TeTapuke

Whainga Ako: construct a piece of persuasive writing.

Our purpose of this activity was to use the OREO process to create a speech.