
Tuesday 3 April 2018

Whainga ako: explaining the importance of A Good Friend. (unedited)

Name: Hori    19.03.18
Whainga ako: Explain A good friend.

I will explain what a good friend is. This is about a careful friend is
because they will look after you and be kind to you. I will look after you
because we are the best friends ever!. Your friend will play with because
you be kind to him and be honest  to him. If i was lonely a friend will say
do you want to play say arataki and i said yes i will play with you thank
you for asking. My good friend care for me and i will care for them. At
this point my friend say get out you playing know i will be sad will sit
somewhere he will say sorry for kicking you out do you want to play i
said yes and that's how he cared about me and that's make friendship.

I'm going to talk to you about a supportive friend a supportive is to look after eachother your friend will support you with all your things and help you with some of your work!. I will support my friend be kind to me the purpose of this explanation is to help you so you can support your friend.    

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